Sunday, 1 December 2019


Log in No account? April 13 — June 29, Station: Do NOT repost my subtitles anywhere without my permission. Sorry for taking so long to re-upload. I have a real life too, and real life always comes first. The main character in her comic, Hara Tomoya Nagase then appears in the real world. nakuna hara chan indowebster

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My native language is neither English nor Japanese, so you might find mistakes or awkward sentences in the subtitles I made.

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December 24, at January 28, at 7: Email required Address never made public. Nakuna Hara chan - Episode 10 English subtitles Watch I intend to finish this series, so please wait patiently. December 17, at 4: I have a real life too, and real life always comes first.

Hi, thanks for subbing. And take your time, I think you're already pretty fast!!

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June 13, at 2: Nakuna Hara chan Episode December 15, at 4: December 26, at 2: New place, new job… so many things going on in real life. So please wait patiently….

Just click on this link for more information. Shiori Kutsuna From The Community.

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Designed by Lilia Ahner. This entry was posted in drama subtitles and tagged cloverdramasubtitles.

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Is the plot thickening, I wonder? Nakuna Hara chan Episode 1.

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See more news about Nakuna hara chan english subtitle download. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: April 13 — June 29, Station: December 9, at 7: August 5, at 6: Would you mind if I translate your subs into my language czech? July 2, at 2: July 18, at I will update when I have free time. October 12, at 5: July 3, at 8: Finally episode 3 is up!

Thank you so much for subbing this!

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